First to the ground… my money is on Wally.
Seal Cliff Jumping
Something I forgot to mention when the comic introduced the Weddell Seal yesterday… there actually is a cliff in Antarctica (perhaps even several unknown) with several seal corpses at the bottom. They weren’t base jumping though, not on purpose anyway, it is believed they got lost in a storm and the leader led them right off a cliff to their end. With the freezing temperatures, and no other animals around to clean the bones, or ants or anything, the corpses become mummified. It’s only the wind that eventually breaks them down after thousands of years. There are actually several locations of mummified seals and penguins, some thousands of years old, sometimes loners, that apparently lost their way, or took a wrong turn and went the opposite way of the ocean, perhaps during a bad storm. The further south or inland you get in Antarctica (closer to the pole), the colder and harsher it is.
Example of a petrified pinniped (seal) in the middle of nowhere:
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well, if i were in a senario like wally
um..i wouldnt consider doing that… 😉
awkward nice.
probably not his best idea. 🙂
a k w a r d !!!!!!!!
I prefer strawberry,chocolate,vanilla,and holiday specials!
mmm i love donuts i would do what wally did
if they are jelly filled hand one over
EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate jelly filled!
Skydiving with donuts…Hmmm, Wally’s right. It DOES seem a little awkward.=/
If you go to this picture and the next one really, fast, it looks like the characters are moving.
How could Wally get donuts in such short notice?
Haw my money’s on Wally too