: Pengowned!
Feb 9, 2006 —
So, just when we thought that would be it for the water balloon gags, a new twist arises. It was one of those random unlasting moments where you just suddenly have superhuman reflexes for a moment. This time Wally didn’t even worry about it, but he did call out “frozen” water balloon. Maybe that validated it, as long as you call it. Like perhaps “hey, I’m throwing the equivalent of a heavy rock right at you” gives total fair warning.
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Heh, nice one keep ’em coming 😉
The gay group thing – some people are just plain idiots.
Hey, being gay myself, I can sort of understand it. You can’t make a penguin sleep with another one if he doesn’t want to anymore than you can make a straight person gay. I’m not upset they sent over girl penguins, but I would be upset if they separated the male “couples”.
but, off the gay issue, I love the turn around on Wally!
I almost didn’t want to post the news because I didn’t want to open up any heated discussion on it. I just thought it interesting not to share.
I’m vegetarian and like animals, but I think some animal rights groups take it a little too far. Some groups are a bit extreme and don’t represent the whole, unfortunately they can give off a bad example… so can news articles that fail to include all the facts.
I do hope them the best of luck in breeding the penguins. They can’t make them mate, so it will be the penguins’ choice regardless. At least when we manage to kill off the species in the wild we might still have a few at zoos.
Your water balloon gags remind me off Garfield pushing Odie off the kitchen table. A classic is a classic 🙂
Penguinowned has a better ring to it if you ask me
You just can’t get tired of the water balloon gags.
“Pengowned!” I yelled that out as soon as I read it and scared my roommate. Thank you!
“Penguinowned has a better ring to it if you ask me ”
I disagree, Pengowned is pefect.
Penguined and owned combined for Pengowned. Brilliant!
Wally and Osbourne get more like Laurel and Hardy every day. Only with their relative sizes reversed.
“PENGOWNED!” – That’s a classic now, really loved this strip 😛
I still remember seeing that penguin video before the edited clip with the second penguin slapping the other one to make it fall on it’s face became popular.
They have even made into into an MSN emoticon. We use it at work whenever someone does or says something stupid!
I just wonder what was with the gay penguins, I mean, in the wild they would have no reason to mate with a male! maybe were not the only ones that think they all look alike 🙂
In my opinion, I don’t think animals can really be “gay”. Animals just use their natural born instincts. They don’t have the ability to think like humans. So this male to male mating is just some sort of mishap, not in any way a complete attraction to their own gender.
iv never seen the original before.
Nick MMay 29, 2012Andrew, I *love* this post and have been prompted into the same type of reietclfons (although I prefer the term policy agnostic ) when friends are shocked that I am unwilling to make even basic assumptions about policies or approaches. There’s a deep issue of open-mindedness and sincerity here which relates specifically to swallowing the fact that not only do we (globally) don’t have all the answers, but also that our tribe (which we privilege over others) may not have a better answer than others.The goal isn’t to agree that we’re right and good, but to BE right and good. Criticism is the stone we use to sharpen our tools and truths.
this was pure genius
heh heh heh you should make a wall paper of that last frame
oh that poor penguin in the clip!!! =( wahhhh!!!!
Revenge for real!;)
Osborne rocks! 😯
three words:pengowned tee shirts.