31: Belly Slide
Aug 8, 2005 —
It must be nice to just drop on your belly and slide. Especially when your legs are only a few inches long and you got a long way to go. This week Osborne and Wally come up with a new faster way to slide.
People have told me that they save the comics as wallpaper, I was thinking it was time to make up some actual wallpaper images sized for your desktop. I Also wanted to start thinking about some poster and shirt designs for the future. If you have any ideas or anything you would specifically enjoy seeing, then drop by the forum and let me know. That’s all for now. Take care and enjoy the sliding strips this week.
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That tummy rash hurts.
It sure does!
them sliding should be a wall paper
HEY no carbon die ox side HEY i can’t spell that word
Ouch… I remember whenI was in kindergarden and we would always play rats and mice. What you would do is try not to get touched by the cats. If you were touched, you would lay on the ground with your arms and legs up in the air and wait for a fellow rat to save you. I remember getting home with ma back all pink and putting a bunch of aloe cream on it. I couldn’t sleep on my back or lean against a chair for a month after that and I never played again.
OrAnGe JuIcE that game sounds fun (tyler for a wallpaper you could have wally telling osbourne a stupid joke and osbourne could just like plook down and shake his head oh +when wally tells the joke he could look really excited)
sorry i meant to type look insteade of plook
lol,tummy rash 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😯 😯
Oh, rashes hurt!
No brakes? That’s a safety violation!
I get “tummy rashes” sometimes when I slide down hills to.
who in there right mind would slide down a hill?
Very clever WALLY imbosile