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61: Max: Blizzard
Sep 19, 2005

Well, another one of those Antarctic blizzards that can last for days shows up in the comic. Actually in the strip where Osborne says that they are “hardcore”, Wally was reading about these blizzards in the “Antarctica’s Big Book of Facts” (which is a totally fictional book by the way). It’s also in these storms that seals and penguins can get lost, and head inland away from the sea. In this case they head out towards the sea as Max had wandered out on the ice (the ice being the ice shelf that surrounds Antarctica). Don’t worry though, it’s not the end of Wally and Osborne. However, this is the last week for Max here “on the rocks”. You’ll have to wait until Friday for the ending of this little storyline. Apologies to you Max fans out there, hope you weren’t thinking he was a new permanent character.


  1. Maybe you should make a Antarctica’s Big Book of Facts”?

  2. Conor says:

    “Remember, we’re hardcore!” That is definately my new favorite quote. I totally love the looks on their faces in the last panel.

  3. o yeah sure like they r hardcore
    then something happens after they say
    that cool quote

  4. Can I buy them for ice sculptures?

  5. jonmel10 says:

    litterly hard core 😯

  6. hi guys says:

    ousbounes cute in the second panle

  7. Jenny says:

    Wow. That was a really BIG blizzard. Wally and Osborne must have swam to the cave to find Max, but two days later, THEY became frozen in ice.

  8. baybay2 says:

    heehee im funy

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